Whenever I wrote this in the past, I always checked what I had written the year before. I checked whether I had set myself any goals, and how I had or hadn’t achieved those. Well… 2019 was tough due to personal reasons. 2020 is better left unmentioned for a lot of reasons, and 2021, though […]
You know what the hardest thing was about leaving Consulting? The fear that I would have to drop the blog. I knew that I would not be able to stay in touch with technology, there is just too much going on. My conclusion, back when I left consulting, was that enough people out there have […]
Tim Wilson posted a tweet about obscure references the other day, which reminded me of all the things that I put into articles on the blog here, and how nobody ever called out any of those. So, because nobody has asked for it, but you are all at my mercy for it is me who […]
Ich denke es kommt auf den Standpunkt an (wie immer). Wenn ich mit Entwicklern zusammenarbeite, Eventspezifikationen und Testings durchführe, dann ist „Back to Basics“ hilfreich. Wenn ich im Unternehmen Marketer bin und nur Zahlen brauche, dann „Was wenn“. Wenn ich im Backend für das Daten- und Infomanagement verantwortlich bin dann „dmexco Extra“.